Research Agitators: Emergent Research

We are researchers. We love research. We research love.

Our core research focuses on understanding and mapping the breadth and depth of the various ways that we all create Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) in kids’ lives, as a buffer to adverse experiences related to individual / familial trauma and SHIT (Societal, Historical, and Intergenerational Trauma).

We also research educator wellness, and we have participated in many other, various, varied forms of community-based participatory research.



Positive Childhood Experiences

PCEs, ACEs, and SHIT. Lot of acronyms. The main idea is straightforward: Trauma kills. There are multiple forms of trauma: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Sociocultural, Historical, and Intergenerational Trauma (SHIT). Research shows that we can treat the harmful effects of trauma (e.g., therapy, mindfulness) - or we can buffer or mitigate those harmful effects by flooding kids with Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). But what are PCEs, exactly? Good question. That’s the core of our research.

Educator Wellness

EWPAR. Another acronym: Educator Wellness Participatory Action Research. We conducted a participatory action research project with educators at a local Title 1 elementary school to co-develop wellness supports reflecting what teachers actually want and need versus what strategies administrators implement.

Other Research

3R PAR ++. We developed an approach to participatory research called 3R PAR - Rigorous Rapid Response Participatory Action Research. We participated in lots of other community-based research, including the following:

  • Systematization research with a local cooperative ecosystem

  • Self-assessments in a local cooperative ecosystem.

Our research is … different.

We do emergent research. Participatory research. Kid-led research.

(We are literally making this up as we go along.)

WTF is a Research Agitator?

  • The systematic inquiry, investigation, or examination of a subject in order to interpret facts, discover new information, revise theories, propose applications, reach new understandings, or define knowledge; usually conducted by a university or other institution

  • Someone who energetically argues, persuades, and organizes for social change in order to stir up the status quo and promote support for a particular political, social, or other community justice cause by repeatedly bringing awareness to that issue.

  • Someone who conducts research that is emergent, participatory, community-led, and kid-led - and speaks out against the oppressive traditional systematic investgations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of “facts.”

  • Work to co-create a better world. As Arundhati Roy says, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing

We do research. We love research. We research love.


SHITters of FUN