Educator Wellness

Educator Wellness Participatory Action Research - EWPAR

“Teachers are people too!”

We conducted a participatory action research study with 39 educators at a local Title 1 elementary school to co-develop ways that Seeds of Love in Action might support the overall wellness of educators.


When we conducted our Educator Wellness Participatory Action Research (EWPAR) project, we found that there is a disconnet between what educators say they want and need and what strategies administrators implement.

In summary, supporting educator wellness means treating teachers like human beings: “I see you,” “I hear you,” “I trust you.”

“At the end of the day, this EWPAR process can be boiled down to the simple idea of asking and listening to teachers when they say what they need, and then trusting them when they spell out what their priorities are so that you can implement their suggestions. Such a simple practice should not be so revolutionary, yet sadly this approach to supporting educators is rarely taken.”

— EWPAR Report