
We have thought a lot about fuckwithability and unfuckwithability. We aim to be both. As white folx, we gotta change. Big time. We gotta get comfortable being uncomfortable. We gotta be fuckwithable, when Black, Indigenous, and People of Color call us in or call us out.

But as white folx, we also aim to plant the seeds of unfuckwithability (as well as the seeds of love) - especially in kids, especially in Black, Indigenous, and Kids of Color. We aim to make space for kids to live into their full selves, to be whoever the fuck they are. To become, slowly but surely, unfuckwithable.

Naming FUN

Prioritizing unfuckwithability inevitably leads us to imagine a world where we look around us and name how fucked up the world is. We name Fucked-Uped-Ness, or FUN. The posters below are sprinkled around our office, to remind us. ‘Cuz we’re white. And one of us old and male. We forget.

Being Me

Already Enough Hate

Becoming unfuckwithable means calling out the individual and collective hate around us. Choosing love.

Imma Bad Ass

Becoming unfuckwithable means being a badass, doing what you want, staying sassy.

